Low Level Laser Therapy for Post-Surgical Pain


I wanted to share one of my favorite tools that I have in my office with you. It is my low-level laser therapy, also known as cold laser. Today I want to talk specifically in the context of post-surgical pain. Surgery should be, generally speaking, our last option.

Right. But sometimes it's necessary, and no one goes into surgery as a patient or a doctor or surgeon expecting poor outcomes, predicting side effects. Still, occasionally they happen where maybe there's nerve damage or some degree of post-surgical pain, demanding treatment. And often, conventionally speaking, all that's available are things like painkillers.

That's not a viable long-term option for a lot of people. And then furthermore, for things like nerve pain, nerves, [00:01:00] regenerate and heal, Very slowly. And so, it can be a lingering and harrowing situation for a lot of folks. And this is where I turned to low-level laser therapy. So what can it do for these people?

Well, laser therapy is unique in that it serves two mechanisms, one, it can help reduce pain. It reduces pain, fibers, pain nerve fibers from firing. So that's going to decrease the level of pain. The other part that it helps is it actually can speed up healing. And it does that through stimulating and activating what is called our mitochondria, our mitochondria, our little power plants of all of our cells.

They're responsible for making energy and helping to heal and repair our tissue. Low-level laser therapy is then shown in a lot of research to up-regulate the production of energy at the level of the mitochondria. So it makes us heal faster. This is incredibly valuable in post-surgical pain and [00:02:00] specifically nerve pain.

Cause the nerves to heal very slowly. So, low-level laser therapies in a typical session can drop pain levels, making living much more tolerable. But secondly, it can speed up the healing of the problem. And this allows us to be on medication as little as possible for a short period.

And lead a more comfortable existence while we're working on healing. So that's low-level laser therapy for post-surgical pain and nerve pain. It's one of my favorite toys, and I wanted to show you that first; if you're suffering, give us a call, or learn more about LLT HERE.