I can't Sleep

Transcranial Low Level Laser Therapy for Stress and Anxiety

Transcranial Low Level Laser Therapy for Stress and Anxiety

We're going to be talking about Transcranial Low-Level Laser Therapy for stress and anxiety. I'm really excited about this treatment. We do it routinely on a lot of my patients because, quite honestly, who doesn't have stress, and every once in a while we all get a little anxious. Some of my patients call this a “laser Xanax.” I've never taken a Xanax, so I don't know how it feels; however, it seems to help them a lot—particularly in the moment…

Saving your Sleep for Better Health

It sounds excessive, but sleep is so vital and essential to human existence that improving the quality of sleep could essentially save one’s life and expand longevity.  A great night’s sleep can help you…