Enduring 24 Hour Fasts

Welcome back everybody today we're gonna be talking 24-hour fasting okay if you didn't watch the previous videos in the series I'm gonna encourage you to go ahead and watch them we started with talking about why fast what can it do for me how can it help me lose weight how can it help me reverse diabetes improve PCOS and just make me feel better and more energetic overall we then moved into low carbohydrate diets and how they are a fantastic way to have to prepare for a successful fast and then our last video was on intermittent fasting and time restricted eating as the next step to have a kind of a successful elongated fast why I love starting with intermittent fasting is because we get a period of 16 hours throughout the day where we're not eating anything and some people that can sneak even longer into 17 18 if they get busy during that day so to make that next leap to a full day fast is actually not that challenging once we've been doing and entering fast for you know a week or two so how do we you know logistically do a 24 hour fast well let's break it down to real life it's simply you know go through your normal day assuming your intermittent fasting that means you've had maybe lunch around 1:00 2:00 o'clock you've had dinner around 6:00 you're not gonna eat after dinner and then they're not gonna eat that entire day until dinnertime again so say dinner starts at 6:00 that means you have your next dinner at 6:00 that's a 24-hour period where you didn't eat anything it's at this 24 period of fasting mark where some people will start to find you know those feelings of hunger really challenging to deal with and this is when we have the conversation over well what can we do to maybe calm them down that can be making sure we have you know a lot of herbal tea on hand herbal teas a fantastic kind of for just palliating or lowering that that you're feeling we could even sip on some bone broth whether you buy it at the store or you maybe yourself that can be you know another way to just sip on a little bit of some nice warm soothing fluid that's gonna cut that hunger down the other option I often recommend will be using a particular supplement called exogenously tones there's a host of companies out there that use this I personally use designs for health and this is a supplement that won't interrupt a fast per se but can really help drop hunger and make us feel a little satisfied and energetic so that we can keep you know plowing through our fasting period as you can see you know picking a step from intermittent fasting to adding in a a 24 hour fast is not really that much of a stretch so is one 24 hour fast you know in your life gonna change everything no not necessarily but we're introducing these topics because we can use these strategically in my practice will often use 24-hour fast strategically throughout the week so we'll maybe do two three or even four 24-hour fast throughout the week so that we can start to kind of build our baseline of understanding how we tolerate these longer periods of time without eating and then we'll build on there but if you struggle with you know difficulty losing weight diabetes PCOS is low energy or even things like hypoglycemia this can be a valuable tool at helping regain control over those and and is not the end but more so just the beginning of creating a strategy for success at overcoming those so to recap today we talked about extending an internet fast to include a full 24-hour fast and to put this in real-life terms this is having our dinner not eating after dinner and then for the full next day not eating until dinnertime again so that would be putting 24 hours of fast into your life might sound easy not necessarily easy easy for some not for others and so with that we want to make sure we plan for success that is making sure we have herbal teas around making sure we have maybe some bone broth around to calm down those hunger pangs that may come during that time or if we're feeling a little light-headed or feeling a little bit shaky those can be helpful if you attempt this and you know what you're just like I don't know this doesn't feel right eat something you know that's the great thing about fasting if you know something comes up where you're like I don't know I can't handle this right now I'll eat something and we'll try to get another day you know it's free yes so there's no harm in trying this but if of course you're having challenge getting to those full 24 hour time periods yeah maybe that's a time where we got to seek someone who's got a little more expertise and say you know what am I doing wrong or what's going on in my physiology that I might need help with this is what we do with a lot of our patients here at the clinic our next video is going to be on what's called 5:2 fasting okay that is going to be basically 5 days of feasting 2 days of fasting during the week and we'll talk about the different permutations and combinations that we can use with that if you haven't watched the previous videos in the series about why should we fast how do we prepare for a successful fast with a low carbohydrate diet implementing intermittent fasting go take a look at those videos and please leave any feedback below with questions that you want answered concerns that you do have we're looking to educate and help everybody be able to access this tool regardless of whether or not you suffer from you know obesity diabetes PCOS just tired all the time where you want to optimize your health fasting at me a great tool

5:2 Fasting

Do you need help losing weight, reversing diabetes, or managing other conditions like PCOS? I can help you. Stay tuned for my series of videos on fasting diets, fasting mimicking, intermittent fasting, and the benefits of fasting for health. This video covers the 5:2 fasting method.

Welcome back everybody! Dr. Derek here, and this is our next video in our fasting series today we're gonna talk about 5 - fasting you may not know what that means I'll explain it with videos for so 5 - fasting is spending 5 days of the week eating food and 2 days of the week fasting so let's dive a little bit deeper into the different kind of combinations and permutations that that can look like for the most part we want people to be sticking to their normal low carbohydrate diet with intermittent fasting during this period of time so that means during those 5 days they are still narrowing their window eating usually - about 8 hours and during the time they're eating they're also eating a low carbohydrate diet watch the previous videos on low carb or carbohydrate diets for a successful fast and implementing intermittent fasting so to go deeper into 5 - what this generally means is those 5 days we're eating as we want to okay and then we choose two days of the week to do fast meaning after dinner on that last day the next full day we don't eat and then the next day after that we'll have our kind of first meal after in our intermittent fasting timing window so there's a few ways to do this this can be straight no calorie day meaning we kind of emphasize simply herbal teas water maybe some bone broth if we need to yes I realize there's a small amount of calories in the broth relax it can also be a calorie restricted day because a lot of times when we're doing a 5 - we're doing this every single week so it's not just a oh I'm going to do a 5 - once a quarter I mean it's certainly better than not doing it but this is a strategy in which will often have a week the routine set up and so with that if we're going to be doing us routinely sometimes we don't necessarily need to do a zero calorie day but actually just a calorie restricted day still following the local carbohydrate diets 500 calories is generally where we'll set the bar for folks doing a 5 too fast routinely the next question is well do we spread those two days out or do we put them back-to-back balls kind of in your court obviously if we put them back-to-back that's going to be a more intense fast if we spread them out it's going to be less intense is one gonna be more beneficial the dad is probably not there to support one way or the other though we do know that generally the longer we do these fasts the more kind of metabolic physiological impact they have so we can probably be sure that if we put those two days back-to-back we're going to have a stronger fast so if we're entertaining putting those two fasts back-to-back this is also where a calorie restriction instead of a kind of zero calorie fats can be more helpful if we're gonna go say take Saturday and Sunday and we're not gonna you know eat normally over the weekend simply cutting down those calories to 500 can make this a little bit more of a sustainable entry point into doing a 5-2 if we're going to say split those two days up maybe we have enough you know experience of fasting in our belt that we can go through those two 24 hour periods and it's not a problem at all so those tend to be the combinations I'll recommend for certain patients when we're talking about 5:2 fasting I found that the back-to-back situation with the calorie restriction is more doable certainly for a lot of folks than zero calories but certainly we're going to get a more powerful treatment if we keep the caloric content to zero or pretty darn close to zero suggestions apply as we talked about with the 24-hour fast this is where it's helpful to have herbal teas around helpful to have bone broth around making sure we're staying hydrated to try to reduce some of those hunger pangs and we can even dive into using ketones as a potential supplement to help with energy or what if we're feeling a little faint that's not an unreasonable supplement to add in during this time when we're starting to extend fast past that 24 hour period some people will get things like muscle cramps magnesium could be helpful for that some salt can be helpful in that respect as well and so certain people will need a little bit of extra support to do that more comfortably this is why we always kind of recommend being overseen by a doc if we're going to be doing any fasting simply because there are certain individual challenges that can come up during that time and this is why I work with my patients pretty closely when they're gonna be doing some fasting so that we can make sure these things go as smooth as possible remember the whole reason we're talking about fasting is because we want to make this something that's sustainable for you that it's not oh you know I did a fast this year and you never do one again but it's that something that's in your toolbox is a tool that you can lean on to you know help you know restore regular physiology in your body to help you know lose weight to help feel more energized and to start to make sure our metabolism is running optimally and fasting the evaluable tool in that so to do a quick recap of our video series so far we started with talking about why should we fast who should fast what benefits can it have what do we need to be cognizant of but for doing one we jumped into low carbohydrate diets it's a great way to prep for a successful fast and then we talked about implementing intermittent fasting and time restricted eating as kind of dipping our toe in the shallow end our last video was about 24-hour fasts and how to do those throughout the week and today we talked a little bit about five to fasting and kind of implementing a couple of fasting days a week to more aggressively achieve our goals in our next video we're gonna talk about five day fasting mimicking diet and this is called prolong this is something that I've spoken about before and I find it a helpful tool at allowing people to safely comfortably jump into a fast it's got a lot of research behind it it's got great outcomes and I'll talk about what I love about it talk about what I don't like so much about it but you know I look forward to sharing that with you in our next video if you have any questions about five to fasting if you've done it yourself and you want to leave us some comments please do I'm always looking for feedback to understand you know where people's heads are at what they're interested in hearing and sharing your experience so another great place that we would love to hear comments is on our Facebook page we actually have a specific group for our patients who do fasting if you go to our doc Derick website sorry our doc their Facebook page and search for the group revive your health if you were into fasting I want to learn more or want to get some first-hand experience from some of the people have already done it during that group we'd have to be happy to have you there's some wonderful resources on there there's some videos on there and you know it's a place where we can just get together to all you know support ourself on this journey so I look forward to having either so stay tuned for our next video and we're gonna talk about the five day fasting and making diet cold for long.

What is Intermittent Fasting / Time Restricted Eating?

What is Intermittent Fasting / Time Restricted Eating?

Today we are going to talk about the second strategy I use in helping people have a successful fast, and that is implementing intermittent fasting or time restricted eating. Our last video talked about a low carbohydrate diet to successfully reduce hunger, improve satiation, and allow us to prep for a fast better. Intermittent fasting and time restrictive eating takes that to the next step. I have also found that most people can more successfully intermittent fast if they're on a low carbohydrate diet…

Preparing for a Successful Fast

Preparing for a Successful Fast

Hey guys, Dr. Derek here! This is going to be our video on How to Prepare for a Successful Fast. I find this might be the most important piece to fasting in general, and I say that because a proper, preparatory way of eating allows fasting to be a much easier part of your life. So this is actually where we have to start with a lot of people, especially folks who have really aggressive hunger, and this is very common across the board people who suffer from obesity and diabetes…

Fasting For Health Intro

Fasting For Health Intro

Hey guys welcome to our video series on fasting. That word might scare you a little bit. I know it scares a lot of my patients when we first start talking about it, but I have found fasting to be an incredibly valuable tool—especially for my patients who are struggling with weight loss, struggling with diabetes, or insulin resistance, or PCOS. It's an incredible tool to help these folks get their metabolic regulation back under control, and I wanted to create some videos that share some of this information on “what is fasting?” and “how do I do it?”, and “how do we prepare to be successful?” and then “what are the other strategies we can implement along the way?” In this series of videos, I want to explain why do we even suggest fasting. Why I don't find it scary at all and why, in fact, I find it to be the opposite. Loading up on pharmaceutical medications should be much more scary….

What is Light Therapy?

What is Light Therapy?

So this is the mitochondria: it has an outer membrane. it has an inner membrane, and has these complexes along the inner membrane. At the end of the day, we call them the power plant of the cell because they increase ATP…